PJ Paul Argueta Jr at Eagle Rock Music Festival 2008

I grew up in Highland Park and attended Eagle Rock High School. I love both towns. The Eagle Rock Music Festival has become well known in the North East Los Angeles area. The website says it has been going strong for almost 20 years, but prior to 2008 I didn't really know about, and I'd consider myself a local. Either way, the festival is a wonderful mix of food, music, and commerce that enables the business owners on Colorado Blvd. and it's side streets the opportunities to connect with it's community. That's not what this video is about. This video is about our son Paul "PJ" Jr and is a perfect example of how some people are born a certain way, and there's nothing you can do to change them. Paul has ALWAYS been a ball of energy. He wasn't born-he burst out of his mothers womb. Paul is now 12 and is almost as tall as me and I stand 6 feet tall. He still exhibits the same level of energy he did when he was a baby. His family loves him.